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Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 1-14-2016
Newbury Historical Commission
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Call to Order at 7:12 with the Pledge of Allegiance
A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the Newbury Town Hall.
Members present: Channing Howard, Nancy Thurlow, Jan Forrest, Lon Hachmeister, Sue Nagle, and Eva Jackman
Members absent: None
Special Guests:  Steve Kenney (280 High Rd.); Adam & Laura True (255 High Rd.)

Approval of Minutes:   The minutes of the November & December 2015 meetings were presented. Motions were made to accept both with minor changes, seconded, and the motions carried with unanimous votes.  
  • None
Treasurer’s Report
As of January 14, 2016    General Fund    $ 568.11      
        Special Archival Fund     $5,885.54
        Gift Fund     $1,556.90 
        Total     $ 8,010.55
Committee Reports:   None
Old /continuing Business
  • Plaque for the School House in Chris’ memory.   We need to get the print done, a matted frame, and a few lines for the plaque.
  • NHC was going to purchase books for the library archives.  We need to check to see which historic Newbury books are missing from their collection.  Check the School house for booklets to reproduce. The decision on reproducing a booklet or pamphlet will be further discussed at a later date.  Need List from Eva when it is ready.  (See 12/10/15 Minutes for further titles).
  • Question was raised about creating a Local Historic District around the Lower Green.  Can we change By-laws to protect the Town owned land?  
  • Question if we can get a Facebook account set up to supply information about the Town and the NHC.
  • Channing is reviewing check lists. We need a list to identify certain historic aspects of any house or building that may come up for DDB review.  This would include, but not be limited to:  Floorboards, foundations, fireplaces/mantels, lintels, doors, and windows.  
  • * We need to purchase archival Supplies are needed for pictures and documents.  They will also need to be scanned and have copies made.  Copies can be used for any requests and the original should be in sleeves.
  • 1635 website- Channing is continuing to work on getting the committee access to the 1635 website.  See 11/12/2015 minutes for details.
  • * We are going to purchase two (2) mannequins for the schoolhouse, a Teacher & a child.  The money will come from the special account; not to exceed $300.  This was voted on & approved at this meeting by all members present.
  • We need to find a way to keep track of any Demos that come up.
  • Channing would like to look into having the Fatherland Farm (Town Property) stone wall put on the Historic Register.  The wall is in disrepair and needs to have its balance restored.  This wall is near Manta field.
Old Business updates
  • See #6 above.  Lon presented quotes from several archival supply companies.  A detailed list is on the back side of the Treasurer’s Report.  Channing suggested that 3 separate quotes for items be obtained to ensure good business practice.  The Committee needs to get a more exacting assessment for which supplies are needed to protect the items in our care at the current time and also to project the need for some future archival supplies items for photos, books, and papers that may be donated.  
  • See #2 above.  Eva will try to get the library book list started and inform the HC of books that would be good to have.
  • See #4 above.  We could ask Laurie if she would be interested in starting the Facebook page?
New Business
  • We need to increase our annual budget to $1,375.  A motion was made to increase the budget.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  Channing will notify the Town Administrator, Tracy Blais of the increase amount needed.
  • Sue Noyes notified the NHC that ABACO webserver info for login to the 1635 website was needed.  Information was passed to Lon, as he has all the login info.  He will contact the company and take care of things.
  • The Newbury guide that has a map and site information, that Chris Drelich updated, needs a disclaimer placed on it that some areas are private property.  Nancy volunteer to update and have more copies made.  Leslie Haley, Town Clerk, has requested the change and needs more copies, as the handout is popular at the Town Hall.
  • Nancy and I met with Ruth Yesair at the Town Library.  She had a book,  Biographical Review,  Volume XXVIII  Containing life sketches of Essex County, Massachusetts  (Boston   Publishing Company1898), she wished to give us, the NHC, to then donate to the Library for the archive room.   Nancy will write a presentation note to the Library and deliver the book.  Jan will send a Thank You note to Ms.Yesair.
  • Steve Kenney gave the commission a brief outline of construction the property at 290 High Rd.  He plans to move one or more of the existing outlaying structures to the back meadow.  The larger structure, nearer the house, will need to be demolished.  It is in extreme disrepair.  This appears to be a replica, as he can see modern cut marks on the wood c1910.  Mr. Kenney is familiar with building and construction.  We thank Mr. Kenney for coming in to speak with the Commission.  We will need to be notified of any demos of outbuildings.
  • Adam & Lauren True, 255 High Road asked to speak with the NHC about this property.   The property is currently under review by the Board of Selectmen, as the Town has first refusal on buying the property.  They explained what they plan to do with the property, if they purchase.  The barn (Nancy provided photos for the HC) is listed as 1728, but was rebuilt in 1968 (according to a sign in the barn).  They plan on keeping the barn and building 2 houses (1 to sell & 1 for themselves).  We thanked them for coming in and sharing information with the Commission.
  • (See item #2 above)  The HC made no motion with the Trues, regarding their property, as it is in the hands of the Selectman (meeting on 01/26/16).   Channing, as Chair, received an e-mail sent from the Selectmen via Admin. Assist (Ellen), to all Chairs and Dept. Heads regarding the 01/26/2016 meeting, requesting input about the property at 255 High Street & the right of Town refusal on purchase.  The HC made a motion that we would like involvement regarding the barn, as a preservation concern.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.  Jan will send the HC’s response to the Selectmen’s request, with the motion made during this meeting on letterhead.
DDB discussion
  • 35 Main St. site was visited by Channing, per request for demo.  He reviewed the and deemed it not worth invoking the DDB, as there were not any significant structural or architecture features reflecting the time period.   Paperwork was signed off on and sent by him to the building inspector with an OK demo.
The next meeting of the Historical Commission will be on Thursday, February 11th at 7:00 at Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.  
Janice Forrest                          02-11-16                                
Jan Forrest                             Date of approval